Saturday, February 25, 2017


Just Passing Through

Descending into a New Dark Age — an era ruled by transnational criminal networks — total chaos is becoming our new social reality. Due to the corroding influence of Agents of Chaos, we are already beginning an apparently permanent period of total war worldwide.

Escalating instability — caused by state-imposed austerity, internally displaced persons, war refugees, climate change, and a skyrocketing membership in religious fundamentalism — means our ability to mentally cope is diminishing. And the agents of chaos are in the driver’s seat.

Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria–a documentary about antibiotics misuse that has promulgated untreatable lethal disease — suggests human overpopulation, and its attendant climate change impacts, might not be a future problem. Perhaps, as a species, we are just passing through.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


A Mandate from God

American Fascism

Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol 22, issue 2, 1999 contains a review by Paul de Armond titled A Time for New Beginnings, in which he examines the history of ideas motivating the fascist movement in the United States. In this article, de Armond locates Wise Use and Christian Patriots within that movement. In his view, a study of the American far right was overdue, and he notes the U.S. Taxpayers Party was a merger of the Christian Right with Christian-Patriot white supremacists, that emerged as an important fusion party of the extreme right during the militia organizing drive of 1994. As Paul observes, USTP’s constitutionalist ideology, choice of phrases and catalogue of enemies provides targets for its “brigades”– much like the Tea Party does today.

Rather than toss political labels around, de Armond urged a behavioral definition of fascism, such as the Reagan administration’s use of the American extreme right to organize paramilitary action in Central America. He reminds readers that it was state and local governments that used armed right-wing paramilitaries like the Klan to attack civil rights activists in the 1960s, and that there is a continuity of the American paramilitary right that includes the Klan, Minutemen, Aryan Nations, Militia of Montana, Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord.

With each successive wave of violence, notes Paul, the expressions of establishment surprise have become a predictable ritual, and that “It is only in the case of the most horrifying or politically inflammatory violence that significant law enforcement resources have been committed.” As de Armond observes, there have been three waves of right-wing militia organizing since the 1960s, which one can get more detail about in his report Racist Origins of Border Militias.
In his end notes, Paul says, “Fascism is a form of social change as a movement and a form of social institution as an establishment. It is neither a political ideology, a religion, nor a mental illness, though it manifests itself in all these forms. It is a rationalization of theft, just as statism is a rationalization of power, capitalism is a rationalization of acquisition, and sociopathy is a rationalization of the irrational. Anti-fascism is a form of informational public health, related to epidemiology.”

White Supremacy Factions

Says Paul, “There are two major threads to white supremacy: revolutionary and mainstream.” The skinheads, neonazis and Klan are revolutionaries. That is the smallest faction. The mainstreamers are far more numerous and their rhetoric is strongly reflected in the Minutemen (anti-immigrant groups) and Tea Parties. The main difference between the two factions is their approach to electoral politics.

The revolutionaries reject electoral politics and the mainstreamers embrace it. Leonard Zeskind’s book, Blood and Politics is framed around an analysis of the revolutionary/mainstreamer factions.

There is a third faction, the separatist anti-government survivalists known as the Christian Patriots. They propose withdrawal from society and creation of isolated areas under their own law and authority. These were the groups behind the militia violence of the 1990s. They draw on a mixture of revolutionary and mainstream propaganda and ideology. The hard core of the Christian Patriots are racist Christian Identity believers who rejected the overtly revolutionary approach of Aryan Nations under Richard Butler. John Trochmann of Montana, now a fairly obscure character, was the paradigmatic leader of Christian Patriot militias in the 1990s. Pat Buchanan’s political persona was a fusion of mainstreamer and Christian Patriot influences.

All three groups have adopted a core ideology of white racialist nationalism. The core to this is an idea of distinct racial classes to citizenship and the separation of races by both law and custom.

As Paul observed in an October 1, 2010 remark at Metafilter, “The sunlight v shunning debate is an old one. Every time there has been a crisis, the sunlight approach wins. The key to defeating reactionary racist politics is education and exposure. They work mostly by deception, infiltration and subversion and these tactics are impossible when they are subject to scrutiny and exposure leading to confrontation and rejection. Shunning them actually give them additional cover.

The worst setbacks to the Tea Party have been due to exposure, not people trying to ignore them.”

Christian Patriots at War with the State

In his 1996 essay Christian Patriots at War with the State, de Armond observed that, “The [1995] bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City came as the latest in a series of rude shocks to America. Starting with the shoot-out at Ruby Ridge which killed a Deputy U.S. Marshal, the young son and the wife of white supremacist Randy Weaver, Christian Patriot white supremacists have been steadily escalating their endless war against American democracy.”

As Paul noted, the formation of armed vigilante groups called “unorganized militias” was first viewed in the media as the ranting of a bunch of gun-nuts and crack pots. A year after the Oklahoma City bombing, the nation was still uninformed about what Christian Patriotism is and where it is leading people.

“The long-standing failure of the FBI to arrest the Justus Township Freemen in Jordan, Montana on charges of fraud, forgery, and intimidation of public officials” says Paul, “focused national attention on the individuals involved. However, the near-total absence of informed public discussion has left most Americans in the dark as to what was really going on with the Freemen, the militias and the Christian Patriot faction of white supremacy.

Showing the Freemen as cardboard ‘extremists,’ the media has not explored the cohesive ideology and — more importantly — the theology that guides Christian Patriotism.”

Christian Identity

“Americans are amazingly tolerant of diverse religious beliefs” noted de Armond. “Religious con men, charlatans, self-appointed messiahs, frauds, thieves, bigots, crack-pots and cranks have flourished in America as nowhere else.”

“One such religion,” says Paul, “is Christian Identity. Incorporated in Los Angeles in 1948, Wesley Swift’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian was initially a racist sect which became Christian Identity. The central belief in Identity doctrine is the existence of two races on earth: a godly white race descended from Adam and a satanic race fathered by Satan.”

In 1970, Swift died, and Richard Butler assumed control and moved the church to Idaho, where he renamed it Aryan Nations — Church of Jesus Christ Christian.

As de Armond observed, “The function of religion in the lives of these men was to provide a theological justification for their racism and anti-Semitism. Stated another way, racism and anti-Semitism were their religion.” The Identity movement was the glue to hold together racist ideology in the United States, and is the inspiration for America’s present white supremacist movement.

War against Democracy

“Baldly stated,” says de Armond, “the white supremacist movement seeks to undermine federal authority and bring about the collapse of the United States of America. The destruction of federal power is the prerequisite to establishing a new racial nationalist state. It is highly unlikely that such a thing is within the means of the small number of militant racists, but it is certain that they will continue to use all means at their disposal to pursue that unrealistic goal.”

These means include bombings, sabotage, undermining discipline in the armed forces, counterfeiting, tax evasion, bank robbery, subversion of local governments and law enforcement, fraud, and attempts at nuclear, chemical, biological and psychological warfare. Instances of all of these acts have occurred.

Christian Patriotism

White supremacy is not monolithic. It has factions and clear distinctions can be drawn between them. The largest and most active faction has adopted the name “Christian Patriotism.”

Christian Patriotism is the result of the confluence of the far-right tax resistance movement, regressive Populism, and Identity doctrine. The Christian Patriot branch of white supremacy has its legal and philosophical roots in the “property rights” and “states’ rights” clauses in the Constitution. These sections of the Constitution were a compromise necessary to enlist the cooperation of the slave-holding states in replacing the unworkable Articles of Confederation with the federal Constitution. The exaltation of the rights of property over the rights of people is a common denominator of the entire right wing of American politics.

As de Armond continues, “A major advance in the right-wing mythos came in the aftermath of the Civil War. In seeking ratification of the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, the victorious Unionists were confronted by the near insurmountable obstacle of Article V, which requires the consent of three quarters of the states in order to ratify an amendment to the Constitution.

The recently conquered Confederacy — now rejoined to the Union — possessed sufficient votes to block the amendments abolishing slavery, extending the full rights of citizenship to all people born in the United States and granting equal protection of the laws to all people within the United States’ jurisdiction. The Unionists solution was to impose military occupation governments in a sufficient number of the former Confederate states long enough to ratify the new amendments. Immediately after ratification, the military governments were replaced with civilian ones.

This historical fact is little known outside of the South. The response to the forcible alteration of the Constitution was a conspiracy theory which asserts all amendments beginning with the 13th and 14th Amendments were never properly ratified and thus are not part of ‘the supreme Law of the Land’ as described in Article VI. This conspiracy theory has become the central myth of Christian Patriot ‘common law’ — the organic Constitution.”

In its most concise form, the myth of the organic Constitution can be summarized as follows:
 The Constitution is a divinely inspired document in which human agency is secondary to God’s will. Only the original Constitution and Bill of Rights as signed by the Founders is the supreme Law of the Land and this law should be interpreted in the light of Biblical understanding.

The upshot of the myth of the divinely inspired organic Constitution is that Christian Patriot sovereigns can do whatever they want if they convince other sovereigns that such an action is “constitutional.” According to the Christian Patriots, no other laws apply but the ones that they recognize.

Common Law

“Common law” as practiced by the Christian Patriots is not law in the sense that most people understand it. It is the arbitrary and capricious pronouncements of petty tyrants. The Christian Patriots frequently claim that common law descends from the Magna Carta. It does, but only in the sense that they see themselves as modern feudal lords whose sovereignty is granted by God, sealed by their “pure-bloodedness” and secured by their property. The “peers” of a common law jury are not peers in the ordinary sense of equals. They are peers in the sense of aristocratic lords in the earthly Kingdom of Heaven. As sovereigns, their word is law. Failure to obey that law is treason and punishable by death.

Attorneys are frequently baffled by common law practices, since the documents which the Christian Patriot sovereigns issue frequently look very similar to standard legal documents. Many Christian Patriots have spent considerable amounts of time studying legal language and procedure. As a result, Christian Patriot common law shares much of the form of law, but few of the basic assumptions and definitions. Most of the jail house lawyering done by Christian Patriots is learned by rote and believed with a religious fervor.

This can — and frequently does — lead to considerable confusion and shouting matches in courtrooms, as occurred when the Justus Township Freemen were arraigned.

The Christian Patriot claim that real courts do not have jurisdiction over them is the usual starting point for common law legal shenanigans. The peers of the Christian Patriot Republic refuse to be judged by anyone who is not a Christian Patriot sovereign. Only Christian Patriot common law courts with juries composed of sovereigns can sit in judgment of a sovereign. Should anyone disagree with the sovereign challenging jurisdiction, that disagreement — even coming from the bench in a real courtroom — is an “unconstitutional” act and thus proof of treason. Since the penalty for treason is death, the next step is usually a death threat against the judge, sheriff, prosecutor, county clerk or whoever dares to disagree with the sovereign.

The Banking Conspiracy

The final piece in the Christian Patriot puzzle is their attitude towards money and banking. Expressed — as usual — as a conspiracy theory, the Christian Patriot mythos describes “money” as only gold and silver. All paper currency and financial institutions (except their own) are fraudulent.

In the minds of Christian Patriots, the banks are all controlled by Satan through the Jews. It’s not as fashionable these days to say Jews control the banks as it used to be, so the most common catch-phrase is “international bankers.” In the minds of Christian Patriots, the center of the entire conspiracy is housed in the Federal Reserve and the creation of the Federal Reserve was part of the Illuminati conspiracy which also altered the Constitution by passing all those “unconstitutional” amendments to the organic Constitution.

With the creation of the Federal Reserve System, the passage of the income tax and the final recognition of federal responsibility for the general welfare during the New Deal, the final stones of the foundation of the modern “banking conspiracy” theory were laid. Again, the generational lag postponed the superstitious hysteria past the end of WWII. At this time, the seeds of Identity began to take root through the actions of Wesley Swift, William Potter Gale, Richard Butler and others under the cover of “anti-communism.”

Christian Patriot World View

In their corner of American political opinion, Christian Patriots have collected all the conspiratorial baggage of American history and assembled it into a cohesive and comprehensive — but fundamentally irrational — explanation of the world. These beliefs commit them to revolutionary and frequently violent action. While not all Christian Patriots are believers in Identity doctrine, most — if not all — have adopted the assumptions of Identity as key beliefs. De Armond’s 1997 report Putting the Far Right into Perspective distinguishes between the Christian Right and Christian Patriots, and examines the different behaviors, rationalizations and strategies of right-wing groups and movements.

As de Armond remarks, “The Christian Patriot movement is driven much more by the theological world-view of Identity doctrine, rather than a political ideology. Because religion has only recently come to play a direct role in national politics, there is a blind-spot in most observers’ picture of the outbreak of Christian Patriot militancy which began in 1992. This is no doubt partly due to the respect for and toleration of religious dissent in America. The result is that Christian Patriots — such as the Justus Township Freemen in Montana — have been labeled “extremists” without a serious examination of the belief structures which have led them to their current situation.”

Conspiracy theories and Identity doctrine drive the movement. Ken Toole is director of the Montana Human Rights Network, the first civil-liberties group to come into direct confrontation with militias. In Ken Stern’s book on the militias, A Force Upon the Plain, Toole explained how Identity recruitment works:
 “At the front end, it’s picking up lots and lots of people by hitting on issues that have wide appeal, like gun control and environmental restrictions, which enrage many people here out West. Then you go a little bit further into the funnel, and it’s about ideology, about the oppressiveness of the federal government. Then, further in, you get into the belief systems. The conspiracy…Finally, at the narrow end of the funnel, you’ve drawn in the hard core, where you get someone like Tim McVey.”

As de Armond observed in 1996, “The notion of Christian Identity doctrine as the “motor” for militant white supremacy is widely shared among experts. Many of the most violent white supremacist groups of the last three decades have either been led by or composed of individuals who are Identity believers. Among experts, the overwhelming majority agree that Christian Identity provides the “motor” for recruitment, propaganda and militant action by Christian Patriot white supremacists.”

A mandate from God is a powerful thing.

Endnote: The text of this essay is almost exclusively from the writings of Public Good Project research director Paul de Armond, who passed away in 2013. Creation of this composite, edited by Public Good Project administrative director Jay Taber, is intended to bring Paul’s writings on the topic together into a single comprehensive analysis.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Religion and the Radical Right

In her 25 April 2013 article Press Sanitizes or Ignores Howard Phillips’ Role in Using Religion to Radicalize the Political Right, Rachel Tabachnick at Talk to Action notes the key was uniting Free Market Christians with the white supremacists in the Constitution Party and the Christian Reconstructionists now behind Ron Paul initiatives through The Conservative Caucus. The New York Times article on Phillips, says Tabachnick, makes no mention of his party’s mission “to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations.”

“Like former Rep. Ron Paul, with whom he worked closely for many years,” says Tabachnick, “Phillips was at the nexus of the free market gospel and authoritarian Christianity, using biblical inerrancy as the justification for both social and economic policy. The redefining of libertarianism and ‘religious liberty’ as part of a theocratic agenda,” she says, “is a driving force behind the radicalization of today’s political Right and its ‘Constitutional Conservatism’.”

As quoted by Tabachnick, author Sarah Diamond wrote in 1991, “Howard Phillips correctly sees third party building as a long-term proposition, and he’s banking on the kind of economic downturns that will give his message greater resonance. ‘My hope is that there are circumstances in which people are so upset at the way things are going that without even necessarily knowing or buying into all of the things that we advocate or believe, they will support us in protest against the things they disapprove’.”

Monday, February 20, 2017


Roads to Tyranny

The clear message in the Five Steps to Tyranny videos (no longer available) is that demonization is a political tool, used by politicians to suppress dissent and subvert solidarity. Two examples not in the Five Steps to Tyranny series are the September 2010 U.S. Department of Justice raids against peace activists by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the passage of American Pentecostal-supported legislation in Uganda mandating the death penalty for homosexuals. While not endorsing the right-wing, anti-Semitic Agenda 21 conspiracy theory, it is true that the Calvinist UN Millenium Development Goals do serve as pretext for ethnic cleansing of Indigenous peoples.

All of these examples are in synch with Christian Dominionism, such as that promoted by President Obama’s friend Rick Warren. Pandering to Christian bigotry, in fact, is arguably one of the fastest roads to tyranny in America, and is well documented on the Talk to Action blog. What the International Transformation Network of Christian fascists might be willing to do under a theocracy is perhaps best answered by Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale.

As Sarah Posner reported in her 22 March 2013 Religion Dispatches article Hiring Discrimination Issue Remains “Under Review” for Faith-Based Office, religious discrimination against Muslims and gays by federally-funded Christian non-profits remains an allowed violation of the U.S. Constitution by the Obama Administration. In answer to reporters questioning this abuse of power by the president, the newly appointed Faith-Based Office csar Melissa Rogers stated the discriminatory policy is under review. As Posner observes, though, the review has been going on for four years.

As Peter Montgomery notes in his 24 March 2013 review at Religion Dispatches, Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred some religious-based non-profits have murderous intent. The fact President Obama blows off this human rights concern should be a source of outrage by American tax-payers.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Bringing on the Apocalypse

Circulating in October 2008 was a discussion among religious scholars about Palin’s plan for Palestine. The consensus was “incineration.”

The first step in her religion calls for all Jews in the world to be coerced to emigrate to Israel. The second step is to support the State of Israel in committing genocide against the Palestinians. The third step is for the US to instigate nuclear holocaust in Israel thereby incinerating all Jews (agents of Satan) and bringing on the Apocalypse.

Some American Jews misinterpret step two as a US guarantee for the apartheid state. They ignore step three and misunderstand step one.

American Zionists (Jewish and Christian) understand this plan, but split over the practicality of step one and the desirability of step three. Most Americans are completely clueless about all the above.

Palin’s followers, who believe she has been anointed for this task by God, in 2008 were already discussing the necessity of assassinating her GOP running mate McCain if he interfered with Palin’s plan. According to the participating scholars, the October 2008 anti-Muslim hate campaign in the US Midwest was a warm-up exercise for adherents of Palin’s religion and her domestic terrorism support base in the Militia Movement.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Fears of Pagan Socialism

In Bron Taylor’s 20 April 2011 Religion Dispatches essay Debate Over Mother Earth’s Rights Stirs Fears of Pagan Socialism, he notes that, “Religious and political conservatives have long feared the global march of paganism and socialism. In their view,” says Taylor, “it was bad enough when Earth Day emerged in 1972, promoting a socialist agenda. But now, under the auspices of the United Nations, the notion has evolved into the overtly pagan, and thus doubly dangerous, International Mother Earth Day.” With all 192 member states of the UN General Assembly supporting a 2009 resolution proclaiming International Mother Earth Day as proposed by the socialist Bolivian President Evo Morales, American conservatives hostile to environmentalism responded with their usual religious hysteria.

In Paul de Armond’s 1996 essay A Not So Distant Mirror, he observes that, “I never expected to find parallels between the militant heretics of the Middle Ages and the current convulsions on the far right. The realization thrust itself upon me while I was trying to understand what I was witnessing as I attended meetings of the ‘property rights’ groups which began promoting militia organizing in early 1994.

Everyone seemed instinctively to know what part they played; the endless rants by a variety of characters full of not only themselves, but also full of a sense of a divine mission in struggling against unholy forces. The typical far right meeting is very similar to a service in a lay Christian fellowship of the more militant fundamentalist evangelicals.”

 Concerned with a United Nations takeover of public lands in the United States, the militia meetings de Armond described in Northwest Washington State comprised a collection of Christian Patriots and Wise Users who had conflated conspiracy theories with white supremacist propaganda about an imminent UN invasion of the United States. “By chance,” said de Armond, “I was reading Barbara Tuchman’s A Distant Mirror, a history of the turbulent 14th Century. Tuchman,” he notes, “explains her interest in the 14th Century as starting with ‘a desire to find out what were the effects of the most lethal disaster of recorded history — that is to say the Black Death of 1348–50 — which killed an estimated one third of the population living between India and Iceland.’

“Religious hysteria,” says de Armond, “was what I thought I was seeing at the confluence of the ‘property rights’ and militia movements. In their role as social critics and collectors of grievances, the ‘Patriots’ and Wise Users are remarkably acute, but they are unreasonable in both analysis and action — rejecting a discourse which supplies reasons and appeals to reason and instead relies on force for persuasion.”

“The prophetae of the militia movement,” notes de Armond, “come from the Wise Use anti-environmentalists and Christian white supremacists,” and like the leaders of the medieval social revolutions in Europe, “have been successful in obtaining political power and influence, and as they become part of the establishment and decapitated their own movement, their less successful brethren have repeatedly splintered off into more groups and become more violent and irresponsible in both rhetoric and action.”

Thursday, February 16, 2017


The Christian Right

As Presidential candidate Donald Trump courts white nationalists from such organizations as the American Freedom Party, a review of Christian white supremacy in the US seems timely. In this second issue of INSiGHT, we examine religious hysteria in America, and the spiritual warfare of Puritanical conservatism against socialism and the indigenous peoples’ movement.
With candidate Trump and the Tea Party on a rampage to reassert Christian white supremacy in American public institutions, it behooves us to understand the Puritan roots of this holy war. Digging deeper into Christian white supremacy, we spotlight the reemerging anti-Indian movement in the US, by examining its driving force of Christian Identity doctrine.
As implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples becomes a significant basis for the exercise of jurisdiction by indigenous nations in Canada and the US, the most virulent opposition will come from the true believers of Christian Identity. Understanding this milieu, and how it relates to other sectors of Christian white supremacy and the anti-Indian movement, is essential to effective human rights organizing and the future of democracy.

Thursday, February 09, 2017


Fetishizing Dissent

As Andrea Jain writes in The Revolution Will Not Be Fetishized, “There is a difference between gestural subversion and collective resistance.” Buying politically correct brands “without actually doing anything to prevent inequality and oppression,” she observes, “is generous, but it does not quite qualify as activism.” Fetishizing dissent, she says, is for those unwilling to make a commitment to opposing patriarchal, capitalist, white supremacy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017


Overthrowing Trump

Like the Serbian demagogues Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic, Donald Trump fabricates his own reality through malignant rhetoric. While tapping into constituent resentments, observes Peter Maass, Trump–like the notorious war criminals–attacks journalists who report truths he doesn’t like. In this ‘twilight zone of lies’, repeating Trump’s audacious claims only serves to help obscure the truth–something those unacquainted with the principles of psychological warfare fail to understand. Given that most liberals fall into this category, it will perhaps fall on Trump’s core constituencies ‘who realize their hero had conned them’ to overthrow the bombastic tyrant.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017


History of the World

In Journeying with James Baldwin, Raoul Peck--director of I Am Not Your Negro--reflects on how he came to make the film. Born in Haiti, Peck notes, "I came from a country that had a strong idea of itself, that had fought and beaten the most powerful army of the world (Napoleon’s), and that had, in a unique historical manner, stopped slavery in its tracks, achieving in 1804 the first suc­cessful slave revolution in the history of the world."

Peck goes on to say that, "What the four superpowers of the time did, in an unusu­ally peaceful consensus, was shut down Haiti, the very first black republic, put it under strict economic and diplomatic embargo, and strangle it with poverty and irrelevance. And then they rewrote the whole story."

Baldwin, Peck observes, saw through the system, and "knew how to deconstruct stories and put them back in their fundamental right order and context."

Monday, February 06, 2017


Christian Terrorism

Promoting hate in every state is the mission of the Family Research Council.

Friday, February 03, 2017


2 Black

The Black History art installation was removed at the school district administrative offices in San Jose when some parents complained. Wonder what color they were?

Thursday, February 02, 2017


Intentional Incitement

It doesn’t get much stranger than a gay racist — invited to speak by Berkeley College Republicans — shut down by student protest and catalyzed by anarchists, who started a fire on the main student plaza, and then broke Bank of America and Wells Fargo windows nearby. If the Presidential Muslim ban is an indicator of things to come, intentional incitement on college campuses is part of a game plan by Republicans to justify criminalizing protest, which has already been introduced as legislation in eight states.

Free speech, of course, does not mean unopposed speech, and the students did good. The anarchists are just part of the mix, and understandable after the docility of liberals under Obama.

If the anarchists want to rumble, I suggest they practice on the American Nazi Party or Christian Patriots. Someone needs to kick their ass, and it won't be police.

The recent women's marches and protests at airports over the Muslim ban are energizing young people who were betrayed by the DNC sabotaging Bernie Sanders. They should be pissed off about that, and use that anger to take over the Democratic Party at the state level. 

Those that can't restrain themselves will continue with vandalism against justifiable targets, but what's a few broken windows or scorched lawns when democracy is at stake? Revolution is never neat and tidy.


Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Made in Israel

As Gabriel Schivone reports, Israel’s role in Guatemala’s colossal massacres of Mayan Indians in the 1980s was as an intermediary for the United States. Indigenous refugees from atrocities in Central America — that continue to this day — now encounter Israeli-made surveillance towers on the US-Mexico border, where US forces occupy the second largest Native American reservation of Tohono O’odham. Homeland Security militarization of Arizona and Chiapas, initiated under Obama, continues under Trump.

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