Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Random Energies

If it is indeed true that building a movement requires having a network that can accommodate, educate, nurture, and socialize new recruits (history and common sense demonstrate it is), then this will not happen until the infrastructure is in place to accomplish it.

By infrastructure I mean learning houses, schools, centers, institutes, and colleges in every state, every county, where those drawn to understanding and participating in social conflict for the long haul can be intellectually prepared and mentored by people with experience in the field. Whether or not these places of learning are accredited or not, a curriculum oriented toward the arts and sciences of change, rather than the stasis promulgated by state institutions, must be their distinguishing characteristic.

Until this happens, the random energies expended by prospective leaders and thinkers will largely be dissipated by action-oriented, moral theatrics agencies, and the brutal, malign neglect of established social authorities. Those who might ask for evidence of this assertion need look no further than the report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights cited in my earlier post Spiraling Demise.


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