Wednesday, October 05, 2016


Perpetuating Pipelines

In covering jurisdictional disputes between indigenous nations and modern states, independent media  plays a vital role. Foremost in that role is the responsibility to report inconvenient truths that constitute blind spots, which make the indigenous peoples movement vulnerable to attack.

Examples of blind spots include organized racism, private equity media, and the non-profit industrial complex. Examples of inconvenient truths include the fact that Obama's approval of fracking on millions of acres of public land in North Dakota created a need for more pipelines, and the fact that consumer demand for gasoline, heating fuel, and plastic products means pipelines will continue to be built, long into the future.

The basis for informed reporting is the same as for informed organizing: research. Research as an organizing tool, in regard to fossil fuel conflict, reveals such inconvenient truths as the following:

The deciding factor of Obama’s rejection of Keystone XL is that it pitted Canadian Alberta Tar Sands oil against US-produced Bakken crude, made possible by his approval of fracking on millions of acres in North Dakota. The resulting glut of oil, which overwhelmed Gulf Coast storage capacity, made it possible in turn for Obama’s advisor Warren Buffett to corner the oil-by-rail market now threatening the Pacific Coast of Northwest Washington and Southwest British Columbia.

Clean energy and fossil fuel divestment is a scam concocted by Wall Street to divert activists from effective organizing, and to create public support for nuclear power. The primary promoters of 'clean energy' are either Wall Street titans, or activists on Wall Street's payroll.


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