Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Rastaman Vibrations

When the going gets weird, we find it's best to report the facts and leave speculation for another time. Saturday, the going got weird: our x landlady, now upstairs squatter, took in a Rastaman, apparently for the purpose of counseling. (Regular readers might recall her earlier fascinations with Lyndon LaRouche, chem-trails, and the Illuminati.)

In order to appreciate the significance of such a development, one needs context. Mill Valley is an upscale San Francisco bedroom community of white money managers, Mayan nannies and gardeners, and quite a few artistic types. Maybe ten black people out of a population of 12,000. Rastafarian population, now, one.

As a so far three-day live-in counselor, Rastaman performs light housekeeping duties, coupled with intensive late-night advice sessions for our soon-to-be-removed xl Ursula McComas, white, age mid-70s. Where this might lead we have no idea, but it certainly merits mention in the now tiresome saga.


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