Thursday, February 19, 2009


World of Cliches

Looking at the layers of bumper stickers in my liberal neighborhood yesterday, I was contemplating the Deanie-babies cum Hopium smokers and their fixation on Internet-savvy politicians. I mean, hoping for change is one thing, but actually believing democracy can be achieved by clever slogans e-mailed to millions would seem to venture deep into the wishful thinking ether.

I suppose growing up on TV has something to do with the superficiality of progressive thought, but the false sense of belonging and participation fostered by political operatives is so obviously Orwellian you'd think literate people could see through the charade. Then again, living in a culture swarmed by marketing mania, perhaps a world of cliches is all they can imagine.

Of course, when the believers lose their jobs, homes and pensions, they'll be looking to crucify the non-believers. After all, counseling sobriety is never a popular message.


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