Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Secret Code Rings

We were wondering what shrewd idea the Bama-babies would come up with next. Looks like it's secret code rings.

As their trusted guru on how to outsmart the bad guys with clever linguistics notes, Obama -- and by reference his disciples -- is so deep and subtle, that those of us without the secret code rings will never figure things out. So there it is; those of us who relied on monitoring what he does, rather than what he says, have been fooled. Reality doesn't matter, it's the rhetoric that counts.

While he sells us out to Wall Street and ships more troops to Afghanistan, that's just cover for his secret plans. Those of us who saw in him just another bomfoggin' opportunist blowin' smoke up our behinds were wrong; Obama's down-the-line betrayals of campaign promises are instead subtle maneuverings to outfox the bad guys. See?


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