Thursday, January 15, 2009


Scourge of Dominion

In a post from two years ago on our blog annex, we discussed the task of negotiating dominion as the keystone of American mythology. Today, as we witness this phenomenon playing out in Israel -- another fundamentally disoriented national psyche -- we wanted to encourage anyone struggling to deal with epidemic pathologies of state to take a look at the offerings housed at Skookum Index.

While the psychopathic eruptions of the past in places like Selma, Belfast and Capetown fit a pattern of myopic mania, the pattern emerging today in Gaza, Baghdad and Beirut forewarns us of a potential pandemic of state tirades playing out across the globe. As the tired social order of dominion collapses worldwide, the pathologies once deemed aberrations are now becoming commonplace on all continents.

Dominion -- whether ideological, racial or religious -- is contrary to the spirit of humanity. Defeating this scourge that plagues humankind, before it devours us entirely, is our most important task. Everything else depends on it.


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