Thursday, February 08, 2007


Planning Ahead

As Stan Goff observes in this editorial, the reason the US has a permanent war economy and a GWOT program is because weaponry is what it makes. Which explains why the governments of Japan and China are happy to continue funding US aggression so we in turn can purchase their non-lethal manufactured goods. All good business, up to a point.

When their trigger-happy trading partner wants to go on another rampage that might threaten their energy supplies, maybe it's time for a serious talk with those who lube American media and Congress. Unfortunately, that's a closed loop, so the only way to get off the armageddon wagon is to make the lawmakers fear their constituents more than they love the arms merchants. Not an easy task.

At any rate, with war fever already ramping up on TV, and little hope in sight of Americans taking citizenship seriously, it's probably best to anticipate the destruction of another Persian Gulf state as well as the painful profiteering and price-gouging that will undoubtedly ensue. Not that we should resign ourselves to a future of endless moral abomination by our rulers, but we shouldn't expect too much too soon. Changing an entire way of life takes time.

p.s. For our international readers, Professor Goff proposes a global disinvestment campaign as an adjunct mechanism for breaking US imperial power.


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