Saturday, September 09, 2006


Liberals for Bush

For some crazy reason, liberals (neo and otherwise) are quick to adopt conservatives (neo and fascist) who extol virtuous rhetoric while extending criminal violence. Don't ask me why, it just is.

So as we await the Laredo border fiasco slated to commence on Monday and end on election day, I expect we'll here more from the liberals about our president's long stale remark about the Minutemen being vigilantes, and little about why he has never denounced the Republican National Committee for supporting and organizing the anti-immigrant campaign of which these vigilantes are mere political pawns. So far, not a peep.

To be fair, liberals do listen to NPR and PBS, and can hardly be blamed entirely for their ignorance. Now that the GOP mercenaries are adding their firepower to the National Guard and Border Patrol for the duration of electoral season, I anticipate a liberal groundswell of support for the moderation of Bush and Republican candidates who offer soothing bromides while pocketing GOP cash and seats in Congress.


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