Sunday, June 18, 2006
Money to Burn
"...We also know that for women on Indian Reservations and women in the Armed Services serving overseas, reproductive rights vanished under Democratic majorities, and workplace rights, both those specific to gender and those indifferent to gender, as well as environmental protections and civil liberties, were all rolled back under Democratic majorities, by men like John Murtha and Harry Reid.
Least this seem academic, Rahm Emanuel spent $4,500,000 on a race in a district that is overwhelmingly Republican. Charles Schumer has committed the Democrats in Pennsylvania to a candidate who advocates first-use of nuclear weapons against Iran, on the Sharon-Leeden-Rubin-al-Zarqawi (George W. Bush) plan, and is as anti-woman as any Pennsyltuky bible thumper, for another $20,000,000 lost. ..."
Least this seem academic, Rahm Emanuel spent $4,500,000 on a race in a district that is overwhelmingly Republican. Charles Schumer has committed the Democrats in Pennsylvania to a candidate who advocates first-use of nuclear weapons against Iran, on the Sharon-Leeden-Rubin-al-Zarqawi (George W. Bush) plan, and is as anti-woman as any Pennsyltuky bible thumper, for another $20,000,000 lost. ..."