Monday, February 13, 2006


A Class All Their Own

Former Alabama Governor George Wallace once claimed that no one would ever out nigger him when it came to racist politics in the southern US. Of course, he wasn't counting on two blueblood, converted cracker governors by the name of Jeb and W to come along four decades later. I mean, these Yankee carpetbagger good-old-boys knew how to keep the niggers down.

Today, as 12,000 families refugeed by Hurricane Katrina face homelessness as FEMA announces their eviction from temporary housing, I have to wonder if even the segregationist governor from Selma would have been as callous toward his nigras. He'd have recognized and applauded Governor Jeb and Governor Ws clever use of Jim Crow laws, voter roll fraud, and police harassment of southern blacks to steal the White House twice, but I suspect even George Wallace would have been hard-pressed to sit by and watch thousands suffer and drown and then turn around and throw the survivers out on the street.

The Bush brothers are in a class all their own.


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