Monday, September 05, 2005


An Open Wound

"Those who claim there is no direct line from slavery to the present are not only wrong, they are trying to jump over Jim Crow. Slavery ended in 1863. It took Jim Crow another 100 years to reach its legal end, and it has been reimposed through economic warfare since then...

There is a relationship between the hostile occupation of Iraq that caused a disaster, and the disaster in New Orleans that now looks more and more like a hostile occupation. There is a relationship between the prison at Angola and the prison at Abu Ghraib. There is a relationship between the soldier sent to do Bush’s dirty work in Iraq with scrap metal for armor on his humvee and the FEMA bureaucrat put between the people and the administration to take the flak after the administration gutted their budget...

It’s all out in the open now, exposed like an open wound. The Gulf of Mexico meets the Persian Gulf… meets the gulf between Black and white, between poor and rich. The misery of Katrina’s refugees is just the culmination of the violence and misery of poverty, of being a colonized nation… and exclamation point to punctuate the system."

--from Feral Scholar


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