Monday, August 29, 2005


The Task Ahead

One of the Iraq Veterans Against the War camped out with Cindy Sheehan the last few weeks recounted how, as a commander, he admonished his troops to not lose their humanity despite the hopeless circumstances in which they'd been placed. Something along the lines of having to live with their conscience long after they'd returned home. Wise words, and useful for us here as well.

Looking down the road ahead, we are facing many predictable as well as unimagined tribulations associated with our transition from the age of abundance to the age of scarcity, simultaneously challenged by conflicts between those guided by reason and those propelled by emotion. As we re-fight the issues that once led to civil war in our country, let us remember, too, the need to maintain our humanity for the someday when we've finally learned to coexist. Just in case that day should ever come.


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