Monday, August 08, 2005
Prepare to Dynamize
A little more than six weeks out now from the planned September 24 "national mobilization" against the illegal US/UK invasion and destruction of Iraq, it might be of interest to some to begin considering how or if they wish to participate in this social undertaking. Given the expected October report of Special Prosecutor/Independent Counsel/Department of Justice Investigator Patrick Fitzgerald on at least some of the high crimes directed out of the Oval Office that led to this violation of national and international law, we could even take a tip from social theorists from fifty years ago, and consider just how we might engage in constructing situations that create a more fulfilling ambiance that in turn engenders a new reality. Gold Star mom Cindy Sheehan's confrontation at Rancho Crawford this weekend presents one example of cultural creativity; no doubt others can construct equally poignant situations.
While we ponder projects to express our diverse desires in dynamic opposition to our destructive society, some may wish to dig into Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation available at
While we ponder projects to express our diverse desires in dynamic opposition to our destructive society, some may wish to dig into Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation available at