Saturday, August 20, 2005


Middling Militarists

I'm fascinated by the new "moderate" position on our Middle-East armed intervention: keep f**king up for another year and a half and then withdraw our military, except for those we can keep stationed on ten or twenty-some bases in the region to back up whatever tyrants we eventually cut a deal with--kinda like we did in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. That oughta go down well with the Wahabbis and Mujahedin.

But even the secular, intellectual leadership indigenous to the region would point out the inevitably tragic consequence of moderation in occupation. And something the so-called "moderates" neglect to consider in their support for a slow, careful, rational phaseout by the end of 2006, is that the administration in charge of this alleged wise course is the same group of people who it seems were born to only do the wrong thing--always.

So explain to me, you middling militarist moderates, How does one stabilize this inherently unstable relationship as disease and hunger and crime continue to sweep across the region in the wake of our destruction? Do you actually think the newly-appointed US delegate to the UN can help?

No, everything Bush/Cheney has done and will do in the region will make things worse--there and here--and we might as well stop discussing such nonsense as moderate militarism and get on with the agenda of subverting White House policy as a means of guarding our own Constitution, never mind the phony one drafted by Halliburton hacks in the Republican Palace.


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