Sunday, July 03, 2005


Eye on the Prize

Remember when, in late 2000 I think it was, someone started circulating a graphic photo of W as a little boy in shorts holding the hand of Dick Cheney the grownup in a suit and tie? Well, over at Whiskey Bar is making a point lately of calling this White House the Cheney Administration, and not just for kicks I suspect.

As we hopefully narrow in on the criminal conspiracy born in the Oval Office that produced the fraud and coverup that led to the war crimes in Iraq, it is good to keep in mind who's actually running things there. It sure as hell isn't the manchild, dry drunk running around in flight boy costumes. So as we once again press for impeachment, it's important not to let anyone off the hook--especially the number one thug who choreographed everything from the Plame affair to the Powell con at the UN.

Others--like Rove and Rice and yes, Bush--certainly deserve to be incarcerated for their high crimes as well, but it's Cheney who has earned the distinction of being the worst criminal in US history. Let's not forget that.


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