Thursday, July 14, 2005



A reader asked me why I write about American Indians so much when the United States Constitution is daily disintegrating before our eyes. The short answer is because--as in Israel, Russia, Spain, and Ireland--the indigenous peoples' claims to territory and self-governance are key to understanding both political conflict and the emotions of occupying states unable to comprehend the notions of cooperation and coexistence.

The long answer I've written about elsewhere in the Skookum archives, and won't get into here. But suffice to say that in my opinion this multicultural impasse is at the heart of the ideological warfare currently manifested in violent relationships between organic and superficial societies on all continents.

And if I am correct, then we cannot begin to solve any of the world's major problems until we reconcile with our Fourth World neighbors. All they're asking for is a little restraint and respect.


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