Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Ten Percenters

Driftglass (see Links in sidebar) has a post up addressed specifically to Young Republicans, but don't let that dissuade you from reading it. And, as only he can say it, this message gets down to the nitty gritty of "enduring freedom" as it were. More importantly, it's a message for all those otherwise good kids who've been seduced by the dark side (aka GOP) into supporting crimes against humanity they'll never have to witness. Unless, that is, they take his advice and enlist today. For, as he states so emphatically, if this is a war between good and evil as they like to claim, then they ought to be willing to fight it. Otherwise, they are at best cowards, and at worst frauds.

So now, next time you encounter one of these true believers in our glorious war in Iraq, you don't have to argue about the motives or intentions or accountability of our leaders; all you need do is ask, "Why haven't you volunteered to serve?"


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