Thursday, July 27, 2017



As noted at KUOW-Seattle, Chemical Safety Rules that save oil refinery workers’ lives are characterized by President Trump as “obsolete.” The United Steelworkers union–that represented seven workers at the Anacortes Tesoro refinery at the time of the 2010 explosion that took their lives–has sued the EPA to revive the rules. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Strategic Manipulation

As noted at INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a report published in June by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute calls for the U.S. government to invest in more surveillance, better propaganda through “strategic manipulation” of public opinion, and a “wider and more flexible” U.S. military.


Ideology and Interests

The Atlantic examines the growing rift between Reagan Republicans and GOP core constituencies of older, white, blue-collar rural inhabitants dependent on Medicare, and the working poor reliant on Medicaid.

Monday, July 17, 2017


High Crime

In an investigative podcast about military atrocities against Third and Fourth World peoples in the way of mega-plantations, ProPublica reports on the criminal conduct of the World Bank. Focused on palm oil plantations in Honduras, where in 2009 President Obama supported the military coup enabling ‘sweatshop state’ development, the investigation is the latest revelation about the New Economy lauded by the UN in conjunction with uber-capitalists like Bill Gates.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


The Protestant Media Complex

In Residual and Resurgent Protestantism in the American Media (and Political) Imaginary, Stewart M. Hoover examines the evolving moral culture in the US, and the Protestant vision for America. In this essay, he discusses relations between religion and media, in particular the recurring Protestant anxieties over the progress of modernity.

Domesticating the American private sphere under a Protestant moral regime, he notes, relies on an imagined past. As Hoover observes, that imagined past “provides a powerful symbolic framing of values and ideals for received, commonsense, traditionalist readings of American cultural history,” evident in the fact that 75% of Trump supporters saw the 1950s as the ideal decade, the one they wanted to bring back.

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