Monday, October 27, 2014


Protected with Love

As noted in the Guardian, indigenous land rights could transform Canada. "Protected with love by indigenous nations over generations," lands guarded from industrial consumerism are a gift from First Nations to all Canadians.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014


Mafia States: Grim Future of Social Collapse

Mafia states, exemplified by the top four most populous countries (India, China, Indonesia and the US), forecast a grim future of social collapse. Indeed, this collapse is well underway, and promises to get significantly worse as untreatable diseases and environmental catastrophes escalate.

Some aspects of mafia states -- i.e. militarism, media control, market corruption, wealth transfer and official lawlessness -- add up to a meta trend toward violent chaos. The impact on global society can already be seen as international institutions like the UN, NATO and World Bank collaborate with mafia states.

In response to mafia state agendas, economic panic and religious hysteria exacerbate social chaos, justifying totalitarian control of education, communications and journalism. Amid the coming plague and resource scarcity, fear, hate and revenge will rule the day.

Monday, October 06, 2014


Consumer Culture and Mental Health

I was thinking about what a rich opportunity it is, in the aftermath of the climate week hoopla, for academic associations -- particularly in anthropology, sociology and psychology -- to solicit papers and schedule conferences on communications, journalism and public mental health in a netwar environment. 

The social engineering and self-delusion on climate change is so pervasive and lethal in consequence, that I would expect at least a couple noteworthy op-eds in mainstream media, and maybe a high profile counter-narrative that views the celebritization of Naomi Klein as a mental health symptom of consumer culture thriving on fantasies.

This would be an appropriate topic, for instance, as a theme issue at IJOC, the International Journal of Communication. Maybe a feature story in Harper's or the New Yorker.

Recent research shows that renewable energy cannot even begin to come close to replacing fossil fuels at the level of US consumption, and that this consumer demand is increasing. Indeed, American culture is based on high consumption, and US society is mentally ill as a result. World Health Organization statistics note this mental health crisis is particularly pronounced in the US, and negatively affects immigrants when they try to adapt to the American way of life. 

I think that many Americans who hope we can continue consuming four times the energy per capita as the rest of the world  -- by developing some magical "clean energy" -- will become psychologically depressed as reality intrudes on this chimera. In my view, this geography of mental ill health (as well as official corruption) prevents the international community from achieving anything useful on the Kyoto Protocols, Cochabamba Accord, or UNDRIP. 

Some conclude that Americans don't care enough about suffering in the rest of the world to curb their consumption.

My take is that Americans are politically illiterate, and in their infantile level of awareness, changing US society is so far beyond their collective ability that they cannot imagine anything but fantasies based on false hope and advertising. 

Sunday, October 05, 2014


KXL Opponents Causing Disaster

As noted in the New York Post, Keystone pipeline opponents are partly responsible for the environmental disasters and human catastrophes caused by exploding oil trains. Had these misguided liberals given any thought to their KXL protests, they would have found they were being herded by people on the bomb train payroll, and that their protests would not stop Tar Sands mining or Bakken Shale fracking; they would, however, make a lot of money for railroad magnates like Warren Buffett.

Duped liberals will undoubtedly plead innocent to the charge, but ignorance is no excuse, especially when the KXL charade was known from the outset as a Buffett/350 PR hoax.

While this uncomfortable truth might cause some anguish and despair among liberal activists, it is way past time for them to wake up and smell the coffee. Our civilization is dependent on fossil fuels, and while so-called clean energy is fine in the few limited circumstances where it can help reduce carbon emissions, the reality is that only significant reduction in consumption will make any difference. Playing PR shell games with peoples lives at stake is utterly unforgivable.

Thursday, October 02, 2014


Reality Truth Knowledge

Nature Bats Last radio interviews Cory Morningstar.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Shining a Light

My interview by Cory Morningstar at Shift magazine.


Best of Indigenous News

People Land Truth 2014 now available at IC Magazine.

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